Supported Empoyment Training courses
Training course for employers & HR Specialists
The main topics discussed during these training sessions dedicated to employers and human resources specialists are: the supported employment process, the particularities of the integration of people with disabilities on the labour market, the legal framework and the facilities offered by the state to the employers.
Also, particular attention is accorded to clarifying some aspects regarding reasonable adaptation, i.e. changes which have to be made by the employer to facilitate the proper performance of the activity of the person with disability (particularities, examples of reasonable adaptation: modification of work schedule, purchase of equipment, devices and assistive technologies, etc.).
These events have an interactive and applicative component, the participants having the opportunity to start a dialogue with the trainers, to work in a team, but also to present their opinions and make experience exchange.
Up to the end of the LEAD project, 480 employers and human resources specialists from Romania, Lithuania and Portugal will have benefited from such services provided by HAO, Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center and Consultis - Consultoria Empresarial, Unipessoal Lda, within 24 training sessions.
Do you want to participate in such a training session? Contact Us!
Training package for familiy members of Y/AwD
The Training package for family members of Y/AwD gives families and other caring adults information on how their involvement can make a positive impact on a youth’s work readiness, career exploration, and workplace success. It will rise awareness and knowledge about effective practices for empowerment and services to support equal participation.
It will be designed in form of an open manual with following structure:
- arguments for implementation;
- possibilities of implemetation;
- helpful hints for the practical work;
- best practice exemples demostrating how the training can generate the necessary knowledge in how to interact/facilitate employment skills of Y/AwD through family support.
Do you want to participate in such a training session? Contact Us!