What do we want to achieve?

The project is focused on the transfer of know-how and a model of good practice regarding the employment of young adults with disabilities across the European countries, with the ultimate goal to contribute to the creating an inclusive labour market by:

  • Number of beneficiary countries :
  • Number of Transnational Partners :
  • Project duration :
  • Total eligible costs :
  • Grant value :
  • 3
  • 4
  • 01.07.2018 - 31.12.2021
  • € 1.501.729
  • € 1.275.843

How are we going to reach our objectives?


1. By setting up Centres for delivery of Supported Employment Services and Centres of Resources in Supported Employment...


Involving a total number of 450 Young adults with a disability in Supported Employment programmes (165) , volunteering (75), educational activities (34) and also by organising meetings between Young adults with a disability and employers, they will be able to develop personal / professional skills in order for (80 of) them to get suitable jobs.


2. By delivering consultancy and training...

For 480 employers and specialists in employment (both public and private) and the setting up of a Guide of Best practice in Supported Employment, they will be able to better understand the needs of Young adults with a disability.



3. By establishing national networks of SE service providers (and organising National Forums and round tables)...


in each beneficiary country, will increase capacity of service providers to achieve higher rate of success and influence public politics towards employment inclusion.


4. By elaborating and delivering of a Training package for family members of Y/AwD...

and the setting up of self-help groups for family members of Young adults with a disability, they will be able to better support their efforts to access the open labour market.

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