What do we want to achieve?
LEAD project focuses on transfer of know-how and a good practice models on Supported Employment service delivery for young adults with disabilities which has proven its viability in the United Kingdom, to beneficiary partner countries: Romania, Lithuania, and Portugal, with the ultimate goal to contribute to the creation of an inclusive European labour market.
LEAD is co-funded by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment and is addressed to:
- Young Adults with disabilities
- Families and legal tutors of young adults with disabilities
- Companies and HR specialists
- Public and private providers of Supported Employment services
We work with the young adults with disabilities in order to discover their potential and to help them exploit it, we keep a permanent relationship with the employer in order to identify the problems which appear during the integration process and to solve them. We also work with the families of young adults with disabilities in order to give them the support they really need in the long and difficult process of integration into society, and we work with the social partners so that, together, we can contribute to the changing of the paradigm.
situation for
Young Adults
with a disability

on lowering

on Supported Employment

How are we going to reach our objectives?
Project Partners
The project is implemented from the 1st of July 2018 to the 31 of December 2021 by a transnational consortium led by the Health Action Overseas Romania Foundation (HAO), alongside partners from three countries: the Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre (Lithuania), Consultis – Consultoria Empresarial, Unipessoal Lda. (Portugal), and Status Employment (the United Kingdom), Expert Partner.