
LEAD Newsletter No. 2 Sep. 2019

LEAD project– challenges and results

In the opening of the first issue of our newsletter, I was saying that the implementation of the project "Labour market Employment for young Adults with a Disability - LEAD", co-funded by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, is a challenge for us, not in terms of the indicators we have assumed, but with regard to what we want to change in the communities which we are addressing to.

LEAD Newsletter No. 1 Mar. 2019

Why is LEAD project needed?

The implementation of LEAD project is a challenge for us, not in terms of the indicators we have assumed, but with regard to what we want to change in the communities which we are addressing to.

LEAD project is addressed to:
•    young adults with disabilities;
•    parents and legal guardians of young adults with disabilities;
•    companies;
•    specialists and providers of supported employment services,
from: Romania, Lithuania, and Portugal.


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